Our Case Studies
Some of Our Amazing Clients – Their Challenges, Our Solutions

Case Study ONE
Strategy and Implementation Plan
Capability and Capacity Assessment
Brand Strategy
The organization needs to refocus its funding strategy in alignment with its mission to support improved health outcomes for residents of a midwestern state. The organization faces some challenges, including that some donors mistakenly believe it no longer has the same hyperlocal impact as when it shared its name with a larger industry partner it supported.
Having hired a new executive director and with an impending relocation of its physical office, we guide the organization through setting new strategies, establishing an implementation plan and establishing a rebranding campaign so donors and the community have a clear understanding of its purpose and the role it will play in supporting community health initiatives and related outcomes.
Case Study TWO
Strategic Planning
Like most organizations navigating through the pandemic, this organization is looking to create a new vision and strategic plan that will guide its next chapter. In our visit with the executive director, we learn of some significant issues on their radar that will benefit from the context of an overall strategy, including the need for a sizable capital campaign. Additionally, they need staffing beyond volunteers, have a vacancy in a key leadership role, and the opportunity to build additional programming. Committing to a strategic planning process now will help them organize and address these challenges and others, into a tactical roadmap for the future. The strategic planning process will also pave the way for a capital campaign process to unfold.
Consistent with our advice to all clients, we feel any strategic plan created in our current environment should primarily focus on the coming one to three years given the unprecedented number of unknowns affecting the future.
While not a hard and fast rule, we strongly urge this organization to consider a shorter time horizon than the traditional three to five years to keep the plan focused on accomplishing goals and building momentum.

Case Study THREE
Market Research & Analysis
This organization requests assistance in better understanding the market for potential students and their interest in program offerings, so the organization can ultimately increase engagement.
Market research and analysis collaboration with designated staff and leadership will include development of survey methodology and questions for members of target groups, including but not limited to current clients, past clients, specialized staff, prospective clients and/or clients who did not choose to utilize the organization's services and potential new demographics for outreach/engagement purposes.
We deliver a summary report of market research findings
and recommend key messages for target audiences. We also recommended potential changes to program delivery and marketing
Case Study FOUR
Strategic Plan Alignment
& Implementation Strategy
A historic organization seeks to inspire curiosity, build visual literacy, and foster a greater awareness of the world around us. To that end, they’re dedicated to creating innovative programming that allows visitors of all ages to see, create, and interact in new and unexpected ways.
In a recent meeting with leadership, they indicate that they have worked to create a broad strategy for the organization which they have diligently worked on for almost a year and now they have completed their new strategic plan. They have a voluminous document of goals, objectives, and tactics and have done all the work to outline their action plan. However, they are finding it challenging to identify where, when and how to begin the work. They believe the document needs further consolidation in order to successfully execute it and create communication collateral around it.
To address the need, we propose conducting a strategic plan alignment and the creation of an implementation strategy. The organization engages our project team as a thought partner in completing their strategic planning process. At the end of that process, we deliver a 3-year strategic plan complete with board presentation, summary document, and recommended dashboard. They request additional support in moving that strategic plan into its implementation and performance tracking phase.
Our proposed pathway includes our team working with senior leadership's team to ensure that they are now equipped to launch the strategic plan and utilize it to its maximum potential.
Additionally, we work with their senior leadership team to conduct an audit to ensure that the strategic plan captures all necessary initiatives as generated from the origin document. We then guide them in overlaying the capability and capacity assessment conducted during the previous planning phase, with the annual budget to ensure the ongoing viability of the plan.
Finally, the team creates a recommended dashboard and presents a cadence schedule for ongoing reporting.

Case Study FIVE
Strategic Planning and Operational Assessment
An organization aims to provide healthcare to underserved communities and promotes a whole health model of care that actively engages individuals in the practice of self-care.
Next we conduct an operational assessment of their current service delivery in alignment with project expectations and determine the cost to produce the intended results. The leadership team explores ways to build on existing collaborations with partner organizations, as well as identify key focus areas that will expand their services to positively impact more lives.
Our team defines the strategic intent of the collaborative partnership. Based on that intent, we identify key components of the project. Next we conduct an operational assessment of the organization's deliverables, determined cost to produce the deliverables and conduct an operational assessment of their current service delivery in alignment with project expectations.
After determining the cost of current service delivery that aligns with project expectations, we conduct an operational evaluation to identify the capability and capacity gaps.
As a result, we determine cost differential of capability and capacity gaps and establish an operational plan to implement project and address gaps.
Case Study SIX
Enterprise Development & Operational Optimization
Upon the completion of our initial consultation with with this client, we determine several ways to improve operations.
The client has outgrown their current operational infrastructure. They are experiencing growing pains and need to increase capacity in order to scale to the next level. They also have some operational misalignment and functional teams need to execute more effectively cross-functionally.
The company sustains profit loss on several projects due to inconsistent project and risk management practices. They need to reconfigure business processes to enable staff to accurately and consistently; deliver projects on time, within scope and within budget; enact performance standards that incorporate and clearly communicate leadership's performance expectations and parameters; and finally, improve staff capability per needs of the company and expectations of its clients.
Our team employs a multi-solution approach to enable the success of the client. Given that their strategic vision is to grow and scale their competitive footprint, we pursue both enterprise development and operational optimization solutions tailored to their diverse needs. This approach allows them to develop their emerging leaders and project managers into a confident and cohesive team; thus positioning the organization to proactively identify opportunities, recognize acceptable risk and collectively achieve its goals.
Ultimately, this work facilitates the realization of long-term financial gains.